Game of Thrones 5x06 - “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken” : 31 Fotos promocionales

Les dejamos las fotos promocionales de controvertido episodio   5x06 -  “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”  de Game of Thrones, emitido el día 17 de Mayo,

Game of Thrones 5x06  - "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" ("Nunca doblegado, Nunca roto)":  Arya entrena. Jorah y Tyrion se encuentran con esclavistas. Trystane y Myrcella hacen planes. Jaime y Bronn alcanzan su destino. Las Serpientes de Arena atacan.

Para ver las fotos más grandes haz click sobre ellas. 

Game of Thrones 5x06 Game of Thrones 5x06 Game of Thrones 5x06 Game of Thrones 5x06 Game of Thrones 5x06 Game of Thrones 5x06 image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host

Fotos cortesía HBO


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